Monday, October 11, 2010

crossing fingers

Well I finally got up the courage to enter a writing contest that is international (LOL why start small?)........ it has been many months and this is the month I am supposed to find out how I rated. I have also written to a company to see if they want to buy one of my works... again waiting on that.......

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Short Bio LOL

I am a poet
We all know it
Irreverent but kind
Have kids; hence no mind
Dancing and singing renews my soul
Throwing my lot in with the Moon; releasing control
Laughing at the wonder of life
Celebrating the darkness and light
Diana L (C) 10-4-10

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Girl with Ribbons sculpted by Glenna Goodacre


Bottoms, what funny things you are. On men you look fine, close or afar. Yet on a women you seem so big. Why can we just not give a fig? Why do we care how big our bottom is? It holds our weight and all that biz. Ahhh the silly things we think about. Trying to attract men makes us doubt. Is our bottom too big? Are we acting the prig? Oh well, we can’t change the way we look. We can’t shrink bones by hook or crook. So I guess we do not have choice. Just accept our bottoms and rejoice. We should not wish to change its size. Be glad that watching it gives men a rise. Yes, our bottoms are not all bad. Just look at all the fun we’ve had. :) (C) Diana 06